A Stoic Way to Gain Confidence: Believing in Yourself

5 min readJun 24, 2024


Self-confidence is not an idea that just sits within the mind; it matures to become a life paradigm.

Confidence stands out as the key closely curating our exploits in addition to the dreams we hold dear to ourselves. Otherwise, we have the fear, which keeps the potential hidden, imprisoned by our own negative emotions and thoughts. It is here, in zen and stoic philosophy, that looking at the self, the foundation of confidence is established from self-acceptance.

The Foundation of Confidence: Self-acceptance

A well-known Stoic philosopher Epictetus claimed that a person should stay geared towards the elements that are up to him / her, including attitude. This approach is not only protecting us from the challenges that we face in our lives, but it is also building actual confidence.

This virtue called authenticity is another principle of stoicism; it is governing individuals’ lives and defining how people live based on their rationality and not media’s perception.

The Role of Reflection

Self-evaluation is very important, when defining further course of actions. A healthy dose of evaluation focuses on further development and personal success, leading to an appropriately adjusted level of pride.

Marcus Aurelius, another Stoic sage, emphasized the importance of knowing oneself: Loving man, thyself and other people, and be a lover of God. ”

Embracing Resilience

It is important to mention that the concept of the resilience is then closely associated with the vision of it as opportunities. The thing is that failure is not something to fear or avoid but it is rather valuable in that it helps a person develop more strength and resilience to tackle the next difficulty she or he is to face. According to stoical theories, adversity must be an opportunity for human soul to build respect and courage.

It changes a person’s attitude toward failure from something negative to the positive platform towards growth and development.

Just as in Stoicism the concepts are applicable daily, the following has been employed practically in the same manner:

Practical use of precepts as analyzed and devised by Stoics on a daily basis helps develop unshakeable self-belief, particularly when facing fears and making brave decisions. Self-awareness, or recognizing strength and weakness in oneself, is the basis of this self confidence.

Cautious courage in daily life activities reduces fear and anxiety every time trusting in oneself to be courageous.

Understandability and Controllability: The Need for Awareness of Control and Limitations

This is a good reality check — it is important to know our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and then to concentrate on the factors within our grasp. Acceptance helps to stop the useless thoughts, so that efforts can be made towards significant endeavours. All this is a sort of mental attitude that fosters a calm, self-assured existence.

The Importance of Humility

The next idea I recognize in a Stoic corridor is self-effacement, which is a component of genuine confidence. Admitting personal shortcomings and encouraging inputs from other people enhances mutual growth and interpersonal relationships.

Humility is self-effacing acknowledging that clients and others have something important to offer, that clients and others have something to teach.

Practicing Gratitude

Realizing that all pleasant things are produced and immediately turn into something else helps to practice gratitude, as Marcus Aurelius wrote, and thereby changes focus from the negative aspects of scarcity to positive aspects of abundance. Gratitude enables people to be thankful or be content at what they have instead of being envious over what others possess or have which they do not, helps people develop a positive attitude towards life.

Continuous Learning and Curiosity

Knowledge is persistent, thus lifelong learning and always being inquisitive are very important. When people meet and address the population with opinions that they have he can learn from it which helps a subject to be more considerate and flexible. Seneca, a Stoic philosopher, emphasized the value of continuous learning: The main opinion ever conveyed to me:

«Learn how to live while you are living. »


The kind of confidence that is possible is the one that is born out of realizing who we are, staying power in dealing with ourselves and others and the spirit of humility as well as being able to admit that there is always something that one can learn. Indeed, the application of Stoicism brings about a meaningful, fulfilling, and confident way of living in the face of adversity.

Every one of these steps in this journey of self- discovery bring about character development and enable the development of better and healthier relationship with others. It means that all our activities reflect personal values to make the life involving and free from doubts.

So, practicing what Stoics recommend results to the best possible life, with lots of strength and calmness inside.




Self-development blogger focused on personal growth, motivation, and achieving goals.